This lecture covers material found in Ch 4, 5, and 12 of Dr. Meyer’s book Return of the God Hypothesis.
This lecture covers the argument of Signature in the Cell, which Dr. Meyer reprises and updates in Chapter 9 of Return of the God Hypothesis.
This is Part 2 of an event that covers the argument of Signature in the Cell, which Dr. Meyer reprises and updates in Chapter 9 of Return of the God Hypothesis.
This is one of Dr. Meyer’s best lectures presenting his argument from Signature in the Cell, which he reprises and updates in Ch. 9 of Return of the God Hypothesis.
This video interview on C-SPAN’s BookTV, though not a public talk, discusses the argument of Darwin’s Doubt, which Dr. Meyer reprises and updates in Chapters 10 and 15 of Return of the God Hypothesis.
This lecture covers material found in Chapter 15 of Return of the God Hypothesis.
Debates (And Dialogues with Those Who Differ)
Though it wasn’t Dr. Meyer’s finest debate performance due to the onset of a debilitating migraine, this event was still important for several reasons. Dr. Meyer tells the backstory in the foreword to Return of the God Hypothesis.
From the Archives
In this classic matchup, Dr. Meyer discusses intelligent design with philosopher of science Michael Ruse. Part II is available here.
This lively Town Hall debate pitched Dr. Meyer with paleontologist Peter Ward. Parts 2-11 are available here.