NOTE: The page numbers below refer to the printed hardcopy editions of the book. Any errata specific to the Kindle/e-book versions of the book will appear separately below the main list.
- P. 53: The first line of the page should replace the word “nature” with “miracles” to read “Hume’s argument against miracles…” instead of “Hume’s argument against nature…”
- P. 100-101: The book refers to “5 degrees” or “3000 degrees Kelvin” to describe the temperature equivalent of the cosmic background radiation. This way of referring to temperature on the Kelvin scale reflects a common but strictly speaking incorrect usage. Physicists do speak this way, but a more accurate way of referring to temp on the Kelvin scale is “5 kelvins” and “3000 kelvins”. Subsequent editions of the book will not change the phrasing used in the original, but the author is aware of the distinction between common and precise technical usage.
- P. 101: “atoms first formed 380,000 years ago” should read “atoms first formed 380,000 years after the Big Bang.”
- P. 131: The Greek word for human is given as anthros; this should read anthropos (which helps explain the ‘p’ in anthropic). Anthropos is indeed the non-gender specific Greek word for human.
- P. 142, 2nd full paragraph: The words “Were this ratio a bit higher, the gravitational attraction would be too strong…” should read “Were this ratio a bit lower, the gravitational attraction would be too strong…” Likewise in the same paragraph the words “Were this ratio a bit lower, gravitational attraction would be too weak…” should read “Were this ratio a bit higher, gravitational attraction would be too weak…”
- P. 160, Line 6: The endnote number 33 after the words “a welcome message.” should not be there. There is no endnote corresponding to this sentence of text.
- P. 163, 1st full paragraph, last line: The endnote number listed should be 33, not 34.
- P. 163, last paragraph, Line 7: The endnote number listed should be 34, not 35.
- P. 195: Figure 10.4 caption: “Australian” should read “Austrian”.
- P. 261, Line 1: “imminent designer” should be “immanent designer”.
- P. 262, Figure 13.1: In the box labeled “Week Anthropic Principle (WAP),” the word “week” should be spelled “weak”.
- P. 264, 1st full paragraph, Lines 4-5: “imminent intelligence” should be “immanent intelligence”.
- P. 411-430: Note number 7 should be removed from p. 411. All subsequent note numbers in the main text of Ch. 20 should be reduced by one, so that 8 becomes 7, etc.
- P. 412: In referring to a statement in Newton’s General Scholium, the work is described as seventeenth-century prose. The General Scholium first appeared in the second (1713) edition of the Principia and the translation used for the book first appeared in 1729. So, “seventeenth-century prose” should read “early eighteenth-century prose”.
- P. 437: The reference to a quote from the book Psycho-Cybernetics is labeled with endnote #15 but is missing from the list of endnotes for Ch. 21 on P. 520. So #15 on P. 520 currently refers to a quote from Francis Schaeffer but should actually be listed as #16. All subsequent end notes in Ch. 21 should also be re-numbered, so #17 would be #16, #18 would be #17, etc.
- P. 463, Note 15: “…objects within a local frame of reference can move faster than the speed of light…” should read “…objects within a local frame of reference cannot move faster than the speed of light…”
- P. 481: Some endnotes for Chapter 9 are incorrectly numbered. A new Note 35 has been added and the rest of the endnotes after it renumbered. See image below for correct numbering.
- P. 486, Ch. 12 Note 9: The reference to the bible verse in Jeremiah is misnumbered. It should read “Jer. 10:12” instead of “Jer. 12:10”.
- P. 513, Note 42, first line of page: In the sentence ending “make the Wheeler-DeWitt equation soluble” the word “soluble” should be “solvable”.
- P. 520: Note #15 on P. 520 currently refers to a quote from Francis Schaeffer but should actually be the reference to the book Psycho-Cybernetics, as follows: Maltz, Maxwell. Psycho-Cybernetics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. All subsequent endnotes in Ch. 21 should also be re-numbered, so #17 would be #16, #18 would be #17, etc.
- P. 535: Add to bibliography: Harrison, Edward, Darkness at Night: Riddle of the Universe, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987.
The following corrections only pertain to the e-book version.